Accelerator Grant FAQs

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Who can collaborate on a Accelerator Grant proposal?

Can an Accelerator Grant be used to support a graduate/research assistant?

What rate should I use for graduate student compensation?

Can the Accelerator Grant be used to supplement undergraduate or graduate tuition?

Where can I locate information about applying for IRB/IACUC approval?

Who can collaborate on a Accelerator Grant proposal?

The proposed project must involve at least three tenure-track faculty members, including at least one tenured member of the faculty, as co-Principal Investigators.

Can an Accelerator Grant be used to support a graduate/research assistant?

If the assistance provided is to further the faculty member’s research project, the budget can include student support but student research projects are not eligible. The extent and justification for student support should be included in the project narrative.

What rate should I use for graduate or undergraduate student compensation?

There is no set rate for graduate student compensation under a Accelerator award however faculty should adhere to the rate currently used by their college and the rate should be appropriate to the type of work being performed.

Can the Accelerator Grant be used to supplement undergraduate or graduate tuition?

The Accelerator Grant should not be used to compensate tuition costs.

Where can I locate information about applying for IRB/IACUC approval?

University policies regarding animal and human subjects can be located on the ORSP Research Integrity webpage. There you can select the appropriate information for animal and human subjects.