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Help in LIRA

Who can help me with my proposal development in LIRA?

College of Arts & Sciences

Joe Bates, senior grants administrator (

College of Business

Gregg Henry, director of administration (

College of Education

Gina Sierzega, senior research program development officer (, or Huron support (

College of Health

Heather Messina, assistant director of administration (


P.C. Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Science

Please reach out to your department for LIRA support.

Other proposers
Please reach out to your department for LIRA support.

What if I need a refresher on how to use the system?

Visit the training resources on the LIRA website.

Who can help me submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure in LIRA?

Email for assistance submitting Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosures. 

Whom do I contact if I run into technical issues with the system?

Please log a ticket in JIRA and someone will respond to you as soon as possible.