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General Information

Quick Reference

UEI Number


Commercial & Government Entity Code (CAGE CODE)


DUNS Number


Employer ID Number (EIN) and Federal Tax ID


Federal Interagency Committee on Education Code (FICE)


North America Industry Classification Code (NAICS)


NSF Submitting Institution Code


SIC Code

Replaced by NAICS

Institutional Research University Statistics

Congressional - as of May 1, 2018


PA House


PA Senatorial


Asset Capitalization Threshold


CASB Disclosure DS-2 Filed

 31 March 2006

Date Lehigh University Founded


Inflation Factor


Mileage Rate for business travel - effective 7/1 through 12/31/2022

62.5 cents/mile

PHS Form Misconduct in Science filed (PHS-6349)

31 March 2017

U.S. DOE Assurance of Compliance (1910-0400)

16 Oct 2009

SAM Registration (annual renewal)

Expires 22 April 2023


Audit Reports

Each year, Lehigh University's records are audited by an independent auditor. Following are Consolidated Financial Statements and Information on Federal Awards (formerly A-133 reports).

FY 2023 Audit Report

FY 2022 Audit Report

FY 2021 Audit Report

FY2020 Audit Report

FY2019 Audit Report

FY2018 Audit Report

FY2017 Audit Report

FY2016 Audit Report

FY2015 Audit Report

FY2014 Audit Report

FY2013 Audit Report


Rates and Cognizant Agency

Facilities & Administration Rates

FY25 -  FY27


Click Here for Rate Agreement

Organized Research (On-Campus)


Organized Research (Off-Campus)


Instruction/Training (On-Campus)


Instruction/Training (Off-Campus)


Other Sponsored Activity (On-Campus)


Other Sponsored Activity (Off-Campus)


Rate Type


Calculation Method

Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC)

Agreement Date

30 May 2024


Fringe Benefit Rates

Utilize these rates for all personnel paid on all sponsored research activity fund numbers.

Position Title Description Account Code


(7/1/24 - 6/30/25)

Click Here for Rate Agreement

Full-time Faculty

This includes full-time faculty members being paid from sponsored research projects during the summer.

61090 35%

Part-time and Visiting Faculty

This includes part-time, visiting, and adjunct faculty members being paid from sponsored research projects during the academic year and summer.

61061 7.9%

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Under this category, a person is professionally conducting research after the completion of their doctoral studies. They are paid as a full-time appointment on a sponsored research project.

61670 35%

Wage (Undergraduate Student)

Under this category, a student is appointed to receive compensation for participating on a research project. The student is paid on an hourly basis and required to perform tasks under the direction of a faculty member to meet the requirements of the program.

61760 7.9%
Graduate Research Assistant (RA)

Under this category, a student is a candidate for a graduate degree, and is appointed to a half-time position contributing to a research project by which the student also meets requirements for the degree sought. The student performs project tasks under the direction of a faculty member.


Academic Year - 4.95%


Summer - 12.85% (7.9% + 4.95%)

Fellowship (Undergraduate or Graduate Student)

Under this category, participation in sponsored research activity is intended to further the students' education, and no duties or services are required to receive compensation. Benefits are not provided to persons  in this classification.

61530 4.95%

Please see the Payroll Website for more detailed information. Lehigh credentials are required to access this information.

Cognizant Agency Detail
Cognizant Federal Agency

Cognizant Federal Auditor

Office of Naval Research

Contracting Officer
875 North Randolph Street
Arlington, VA 22203-1995

ONR Representative: 
Sharon Gales, Contracting Officer
(703) 696-8559; email

Rebecca Hewitson
Defense Contract Audit Agency
New Cumberland Branch Office
54 M Avenue #7
New Cumberland, PA 17070-5037
(717) 770-4620

CASB Disclosure DS-2 filed

31 March 2006


Tuition Rates

FY 24/25
Graduate Students


Arts and Sciences

$1590 per credit *

Business and Economics 

$1340 per credit


$630 per credit

PC Rossin College of Engineering

$1590 per credit *

College of Health

$1590 per credit *

Maintenance of Candidacy

One credit hour **

MBA/Ed Leadership

$975 per credit


$1590 per credit

MS/Analytical Finance

$1590 per credit

* Rate for CAS, RCEAS and COH graduate students supported on federal sponsored projects, or non-federal sponsored projects using Lehigh's federally negotiated Indirect Cost rate(s), and approved by ORSP:  $795/credit (50% of full rate).

** Maintenance of candidacy for all colleges: full (100%) tuition rate per college.


Tuition Remission Procedure:

Graduate student tuition remission may be charged to federally sponsored research awards at Lehigh University as an allowable direct cost provided the following conditions are met:

1. The student is receiving a stipend to conduct activities necessary to the federal award; and

2. The tuition remission is a reasonable compensation for the work performed and is conditioned explicitly upon the performance of necessary work; and

3. During the academic period, the student is enrolled in an advanced degree program at a non-Federal entity or affiliated institution and the activities of the student in relation to the federal award are related to the degree program

4. it is the institution’s practice to similarly compensate students in non-sponsored as well as sponsored activities 

Unlike salaries and wages, tuition remission must be excluded from the application of indirect costs [Uniform Guidance §200.466].


Forms and Guidance By Topic

Advance Account Request

If a PI fully anticipates an award to be made, but the official notice has not been delivered, an Advance Request form can be completed to establish an At Risk index. The form must include an internal index that can be used as a backup, in the case that an award is not made.

Agency Prior Approvals
GUIDANCE Prior Approval Matrix


Cost Reallocations

Reallocation Justification Form (Upload to Reallocation Form Below)

Reallocation Form


Reallocation Explanation


Independent Contractors
PI and/or Co-PI
Record Retention
Roles and Responsibilities

Training Materials

RCR Training

All undergraduate and graduate research assistants, post-doctoral researchers, and principal investigator faculty members receiving external research funding from NSF and NIH are required to undergo Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training within their discipline category. Training is required when funding is the result of proposals submitted after January 4, 2010. RCR training must be successfully completed within 30 days of the individual’s start date on the research project.

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training Requirements

RCR Training Policy


FCOI PHS Training

All PHS funded Investigators including sub-recipient Investigators, must complete fCOI training prior to engaging in any PHS funded research and at least every four (4) years thereafter. Once the CITI course is complete, scores and completion reports are sent directly to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP). ORSP maintains records of completion. 

fCOI PHS Training Requirements

fCOI PHS Training


More Coming Soon!

More training materials will be available soon!