Training Requirements for Personnel on IRB Applications

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Human Research Protection Training

Social and Behavioral Research Training (for all personnel listed on IRB protocols) 

All faculty, staff, and students conducting human subjects research are required to complete the CITI online tutorial, "Social & Behavioral Research – Basic Course". Instructions on how to register for CITI and access the online tutorial can be found here.

To select CITI's Social & Behavioral Research - Basic Course, please complete the following:

  • Log into
  • Click "View Courses"
  • Under "Learner Tools for Lehigh University," select "Add a Course"
  • Select "Human Research," and click "Next"
  • Select "Social and Behavioral," and click "Next"
  • Select "Start Now" under the "Social and Behavioral Research - Basic / Refresher" Course. 

You will need to save a copy of your completion certificate and upload a copy as part of your application materials in IRBNet. This training is required for all eligible personnel listed on IRB protocol applications.

Good Clinical Practice Training (to be completed ONLY for NIH-supported Clinical Trials)

Additionally, all personnel on NIH-supported projects that meet the definition of a 'clinical trial' are also required to complete the Society of Behavioral Medicine's "Good Clinical Practice for Social and Behavioral Research eLearning Course". Training must be refreshed every three years. This training is designed for investigators involved in behavioral clinical trials. If your work involves an NIH-supported biomedical clinical trial, please contact the Research Integrity office for help identifying suitable training.

Community Partner Training

Community Research Partners who are non-Lehigh affiliates, are members of Community-Based Research Teams, and are engaged in human subjects research may complete the University of Pennsylvania's Community Partner Training. This course was developed as a community-friendly alternative to CITI's human subjects research training.