Research and Research-Related Policies

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OVPR Policies

Eligibility to serve as Principal or co-Principal Investigator on sponsored projects

Participant Support Costs

Responsible Conduct of Research Training Plan

Policy on Use of Major Research Instrumentation

ORSP Policies

Cost Reallocation Policy for Research and Sponsored Program Funds

Research Terms and Conditions Federal Prior Approval Matrix

Policy on Intellectual Property

Research Personnel Appointments: Short Term

Research Personnel Appointments: Long Term

Proposal Submission

Additional Compensation for Faculty Supported on Research or Sponsored Programs

Subcontracting - Establishing, Managing, and Monitoring Subawards


Research Integrity Policies

Developing, Revising, and Posting Research Administration Policies

Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs - Restrictions and Disclosure Requirements

Conflict of Interest Policies

Financial Conflicts of Interest Related to Research and Sponsored Programs

Guidance: Managing Conflicts of Interest When Investigators Have Financial Interests or Operational Roles in Companies Sponsoring University Research

Guidance: Faculty Ownership and Operation of Businesses, Consulting, and Other External Professional or Business Activities

IRB Policies

Policy on the Protection of Human Subjects in Research

Composition and Membership of the IRB

End Approval Dates

Exempt Determinations

Expedited Reviews

Human Subjects Research Principal Investigator

Reporting Unanticipated Problems/Adverse Events to the IRB

IRB Conflict of Interest

Researcher Training

Children as Research Subjects

Research Involving Fetuses, Pregnant Women or Human In-Vitro Fertilization

Research Involving Cognitively Impaired Participants

Research Involving Prisoners as Research Subjects

Use of Lotteries, Raffles, and/or Drawings in Research

Informed Consent / Waiver of Informed Consent

Documentation of Informed Consent / Waiver of Documentation of Informed Consent

Suspension / Termination / Expiration of IRB Approval

IACUC Policies

Assurance of Compliance (the institution's policy on the conduct of teaching and research activities involving vertebrate animals)

Export Controls

Export Control Policy

University Policies

Conflict of Interest Policy

Ethical Conduct in Academic Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities

Policy on Intellectual Property

Travel & Business Expense Policy

Collaborating Academic Visitors

Faculty Policies

Rules and Procedures of the Faculty