1. Patent application filed via mail or e-mail.
2. Patent application checked for completeness at patent office and specific patent examiner is assigned.
3. Patent examiner checks to see if only one invention is claimed and if claimed invention is patentable.
4. For non-patentable claims, examiner sends Non-Final Office Action.
5. Inventor (with aid from OTT and legal staff) responds to rejected claims by amending the existing claim and further explaining rejected claim.
6. Examiner accepts or refutes amendments/arguments, leading to a Notice of Allowance for the former or a Final Office Action for the latter.
7. A patent is granted in response to Notice of Allowance (once OTT pays issuance fee) and for patent applications with Final Office Actions, OTT must determine next steps.
(Adopted from Richard Kitei's utility patent application process)