Writing Groups

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The Office of Research offers resources and events to stimulate proposal/book writing, develop a support network of accountability and encouragement, receive feedback on early drafts, and more.  See below to explore and register for these opportunities.

NIH Proposal Writing Group

Dates: New session starts July 2024.  

  • The NIH proposal writing group is held on Zoom and meets weekly on an ongoing basis.

  • In this group, members read each other's drafts and offer feedback. Meetings will be scheduled around participants’ availability. 

  • Faculty and post-doctoral fellows are welcome to join at any stage.  

  • Register here


New! NIH Proposal Boot Camp

Dates: New session starts January 8, 2024.  

The Office of VP Research and the College of Health are pleased to announce the development of the NIH Proposal Bootcamp, a six-month program for faculty to go through the process of developing a proposal to the agency. We invite all research faculty from across the university to be a part of the inaugural cohort. In this program, PIs will work through the entire grant writing process with support from faculty mentors and research staff. 

This group is for faculty who have never applied for an NIH grant or have not been awarded an NIH grant. During the program, PIs will start from the very beginning of the grant process (developing the scope of the idea and targeting an institute and study section) and develop their proposals for the June 2024 deadline. You can see the draft schedule below.

We will prioritize pre-tenure faculty and/or faculty who have not yet had a successful NIH proposal. To join the cohort, we ask that you prepare a maximum one page statement outlining your potential grant idea and attesting to your commitment by November 15, 2023. Please send it to vpresearch@lehigh.edu.

Register here


NSF Career Proposal Writing Group

Dates: New session starts January 2024.

  • In order to best help faculty prepare their NSF Career proposals, the writing group begins in mid-January each year and is scheduled to meet around participants' availability.

  • Participation in the writing group improves funding outcomes through:

    • Help with early stage planning;

    • Deadlines to keep the work on target; and

    • Feedback on drafts.

  • You do not need to have a draft or absolutely plan to apply this year to participate.

  • Register here

Book Proposal Group - dates TBD
  • More info coming soon.

Writing Retreats

Writing retreats are hosted by our office twice a year, in January and June/July.   Faculty in any discipline and level, as well as postdoctoral fellows, are welcome to attend.  The full-day retreats take place on campus, and the format is open and informal.  We provide you with the time and space to focus on your proposal, manuscript, or other writing you are working on.  Coffee, snacks and lunch are provided.  

Summer 2024 Writing Retreat Dates:

Join us in EWFM 520, 9am-3pm:

Monday July 22nd - Register here
Monday August 5th - Register here



Organized Writing Groups

We can help you organize a writing group with faculty on a common topic or interest area. Check out these Tips for Creating a Writing Group. Email us at vpresearch@lehigh.edu if you are interested and include your research idea or area of interest. Check out these Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.