LIRA: NSF System to System Proposal Submission

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Effective September 10, 2024 LIRA can now support the submission of non-collaborative NSF proposals system to system. 

What does this mean?

This means that LIRA will be able to create your application package directly in the system so you no longer need to initiate a proposal in Instead, a link to your application will be available in your LIRA workspace. You will upload your final documents directly into your SF424 application within LIRA. Once your application is completed, reviewed, and ready to submit, your CGS will submit from within LIRA directly to and the NSF.

How do I initiate this?

1) While completing your LIRA proposal record, you will select “yes” to the following question on the “Proposal Submission” smart form:

2) You will then search by either the application package ID or NSF opportunity ID to associate the appropriate solicitation to your LIRA record. 

3) Next, you will confirm that all forms are supported by the system

4) Finally, you will select “Create-Update SF424” from your proposal workspace so LIRA can create your full application package and provide you with the link to your application.

A reminder: This process is only for non-collaborative NSF submissions. will still be used for collaborative NSF proposals. This is because a collaborative proposal requires linking to other proposals within If you are submitting a collaborative NSF, you will continue to follow the current process of initiating a proposal in

If you have any questions about this update or the system to system submission process, please reach out to your department grant team or your CGS in ORSP.